43rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the
European Society for Clinical Investigation
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
1 – 4 April 2009
Congress venue:
Casino Building
Campus Westend Johann Wolfgang Goethe – University
Grüneburgplatz 1
D-60323 Frankfurt am Main
You will find the program schedule here
Scientific Programme
I Plenary Lectures
- Wednesday, 1 April, 19.30 – 20.30
Clinical implications of the new biology of estrogen action
Jan-Ake Gustafsson (Stockholm, Sweden) - Thursday, 2 April, 10.30 – 11.15
Advances in the management of neuroendocrine tumors
Kjell Öberg (Uppsala, Sweden) - Thursday, 2 April, 14.00 – 14.45
Myeloid leukocyte recruitment in inflammation
Klaus Ley (La Jolla, CA, USA) - Friday, 3 April, 10.30 – 11.15
How common is somatic mosaicism for copy number variations?
Analysis of twins, differentiated human tissues as well as breast and ovarian cancers
Jan Dumanski (Uppsala, Sweden) - Friday, 3 April, 14.00 – 15.00
Lecture ESCI Award Winner 2009 – winner: Josef M. Penninger (Vienna, Austria)
Genetic modeling of human disease - Friday, 3 April, congress dinner lecture:
Benefits and hazards of nutrient iron
Joannes J.M. Marx
Awardee of the 2009 Albert Struyvenberg Medal - Saturday, 4 April, 10.30 – 11.15
New insights in postprandial metabolism
Ulrike Beisiegel (Hamburg, Germany)
II Workshops
- Neuroendocrine tumors: genetics, tumor biology and treatment
Organizers: E. Tiensuu Janson (Uppsala, Sweden), B. Wiedenmann (Berlin, Germany), M. Pavel (Berlin, Germany), J. Bojunga (Frankfurt/Main, Germany)
program - Stem cell therapy in cardiology
Organizers: A. Zeiher (Frankfurt/Main, Germany), B. Assmus (Frankfurt/Main, Germany)
program - Molecular mechanisms of nonalcoholic steatohepatosis
Organizers: S. Zeuzem (Frankfurt/Main, Germany), U. Leuschner (Frankfurt/Main, Germany)
program - Rheumatology: Mesenchymal signaling
Organizers: U. Müller-Ladner (Bad Neuheim, Germany), H. Burkhardt (Frankfurt/Main, Germany)
program - Phagocyte biology
Organizers: B. Walzog (München, Germany), M. Sperandio (München, Germany), A. Mocsai (Budapest, Hungary)
program - Pediatric endocrinology: growth disturbances / congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Organizers: A. Richter-Unruh (Wattenscheid, Germany), S. Drop (Rotterdam, The Netherlands), H.L. Claahsen-van der Grinten (Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
program - Endocrine hypertension
Organizers: S. Diederich (Berlin, Germany), G. Eisenhofer (Dresden, Germany)
program - Vitamin D-hormone: pleiotropic effects
Organizers: K. Badenhoop (Frankfurt/Main, Germany), K.-H. Usadel (Frankfurt/Main, Germany)
program - Introduction to translational research
Organizers: G.P. Chrousos (Athens, Greece), J.P.A. Ioannnidis (Ioannina, Greece)
program - Symposium Onkologikum: Molecular targeting in oncology
Organizers: D. Hoelzer (Frankfurt/Main, Germany), A. Boehme (Frankfurt/Main, Germany)
program - Symposium Endokrinologikum: New aspects in the treatment of the metabolic syndrome and hyperlipidemia
Organizers: K.-H. Usadel (Frankfurt/Main, Germany), W.A. Mann (Frankfurt/Main, Germany)
III Subspecialty Poster Sessions
Cardiovascular medicine
Endocrinology, diabetology and metabolism
Gastroenterology and hepatology
Haematology and oncology
Immunology, rheumatology and inflammation
Nephrology and hypertension
Neurology and neurobiology
Thrombosis and haemostasis
Poster viewing will be possible during coffee breaks and at lunchtime from Thursday 2 April to Saturday 4 April.
Poster Awards: the four best posters (including workshop abstracts/posters) will be awarded the Poster Award 2009 to the amount of EURO 250 per poster. The presentation of the poster awards is scheduled for Friday, 3 April 2009, 15.00 – 15.15 hrs, immediately following the ESCI Award winning lecture.
You will find the poster instructions here.
Deadline for electronic abstract submission 4 November 2008.