Welcome to the Annual Scientific Meeting of ESCI in Barcelona, CONGRESS HOTEL: HOTEL BARCELO SANTS, Placa dels Paisos Catalans – 08014 Barcelona, Spain

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is a pleasure to invite you to the 58th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society of Clinical Investigation, which will be held in the lively city of Barcelona, Spain, June 5-7, 2024

Both the whole Council of ESCI and the Local Organisers are committed to offering you a unique scientific event to stay at the forefront of the newest scientific discoveries, connect with peers, and contribute to the collective advancement of medical practice through science.

The Congress Programme, embraced under the theme “Connecting the Dots: The Power of Integrative Medicine“, will feature eight different Symposiums running in parallel to provide a holistic and multidisciplinary overview of human health and disease. The symposium will cover: S1) the pathology and physiology of mitochondria; S2) cardiovascular diseases; S3) endocrinology and metabolism; S4) gut, liver, microbiota and lifestyle interventions; S5) gene, cell therapy, and oncology; S6) reproduction biology; S7) personalised and gender medicine; and, S8) ageing-associated disorders. On top of that, the event will feature keynote lectures from world-renowned scientists, providing our audience with unique insights and perspectives on their areas of expertise. The meeting will also host oral abstract presentations, e-poster sessions, multi-focus plenary sessions, pre-meeting courses for young researchers, a welcome ceremony, the Champions League, and multiple and diverse ESCI grants and attractive awards (visit our website).

The ESCI Annual Scientific Meeting aims to bring together outstanding and distinguished speakers from diverse disciplines to present and share their knowledge, outline the most recent advances in the scientific and clinical field, and address hot controversial topics.

We look forward to welcoming all worldwide delegates since the ASM serves as an incredible event to exchange ideas, network with your peers and foster collaboration opportunities. On top of that, young investigators will also have the chance to discuss, criticise, and learn while in contact with senior top scientists in different fields.

With its rich cultural heritage and cosmopolitan metropolis open to the sea and mountains, Barcelona provides an ideal backdrop for this intellectually stimulating event.

Mark your calendars! We look forward to welcoming you to Barcelona from June 5 to 7, 2024, for an enriching and unforgettable experience!

Gemma Vilahur

Chair ESCI – Annual Scientific Meeting  Barcelona 2024

The European Journal of Clinical Investigation

Our monthly journal in the field of clinical investigation and free for our members.


Our Society welcomes new members from all over Europe. Our goal is to be the leading clinical research society in Europe.
Membership means discussions, debates and meeting colleagues in order to further the science of clinical investigation.


The European Society for Clinical Investigation was established in 1967 as a pan-European Society to integrate clinicians and scientists with a genuine interest in uncovering the mechanism of disease.

58th Annual Scientific Meeting – Barcelona, Spain: 5 – 7 JUNE 2024 starts in…
